Successful Reopening Event of the Brazil Visa Application Center in Guangzhou

Guangzhou, April 29, 2024 - BLS International and the Consulate General of Brazil in Guangzhou joined forces to host a highly successful reopening event for the Brazil Visa Application Center. The event attracted a diverse audience, including representatives from the Foreign Affairs Office of the provincial government of Guangdong and the municipal governments of Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Dongguan; private organizations such as BYD, HUAWEI, MEIDI and two of the biggest travel agencies in the province (CGZL and CTS); as well as representatives from the Brazilian community of entrepreneurs (the South China section of the Association of Brazilian Companies in China, BRACHAM). The high number of attendees highlights the event's significance for fostering collaboration and dialogue.

The ceremony commenced with an opening speech delivered by the Consul General of Brazil in Guangzhou, Mr. Alan Coêlho de Séllos, setting the tone for a productive session. The topic of his keynote speech was the strong bond between China and Brazil. He emphasized that an increasing number of Chinese citizens is interested in visiting Brazil for business or leisure purposes. To facilitate the transit and exchange between the two nations, the Consulate is committed to optimizing the visa application process and boosting its efficiency. Additionally, the Consul General expressed his gratitude for the excellent work done by BLS in this regard. The Consul General also highlighted the importance of the cooperation in advancing visa procedures, expressing confidence in the collective efforts undertaken.

The Country Manager of BLS International, Ms. Priyanka Vats, followed suit with a warm welcome, emphasizing the shared commitment to enhancing visa services. She reaffirmed the company's dedication to assisting applicants, expressing anticipation for the forthcoming Chengdu visa application center.

The Deputy Consul, and head of Consular Affairs, Ms. Maybi Mota, took the stage to provide detailed insights into the visa application process, addressing challenges and outlining the path forward. She emphasized the harmonious relationship between the Consulate and BLS International and highlighted that BLS International holds the exclusive capacity to receive visa applications for Brazil. She also discussed future plans to further streamline the visa application process, making it more accessible and convenient for applicants. Furthermore, Ms. Mota stressed that any form of buying or selling appointments was illegal and urged everyone to adhere to the established guidelines. Notably, plans to introduce an agent module to ensure the legitimacy of application handling were unveiled, aligning with the standards set by the Brazilian Consulate. Ms. Mota expressed satisfaction with the enriching opportunity to exchange ideas this event creates.

As the event drew to a close, attendees reiterated their dedication to offering comprehensive support to visa applicants, emphasizing the shared goal of facilitating smooth and efficient visa application processes for those intending to visit Brazil.

2024年4月29日,BLS International和巴西驻广州总领事馆共同举办了巴西签证申请中心的开业典礼,该典礼取得了巨大的成功。此次活动吸引了来自不同领域的观众,其中包括广东省政府外事办公室以及广州、深圳和东莞市政府的代表; 私人机构,如比亚迪、华为、美的和省内最大的两家旅行社(CGZL和CTS); 以及来自巴西企业家社区的代表(巴西公司在华协会华南分会)。出席人数之多凸显了该活动对促进合作与对话的重要性。

开幕式由巴西驻广州总领事 Alan Coêlho de Séllos先生致开幕词,为会议的成果奠定了基调。主题演讲有关中巴两国之间的紧密联系。他强调,越来越多的中国公民有兴趣以商务或休闲目的访问巴西。为方便两国人员往来和过境,总领事馆致力于优化签证申请流程,提高效率。此外,总领事对BLS International在这方面所做的出色工作表示感谢。总领事还强调了在推进签证程序方面合作的重要性,并对双方采取的努力表示信心。

BLS International的国家经理Priyanka Vats女士紧随其后致欢迎辞,并承诺将加强签证服务。她重申了公司将竭诚为申请人提供帮助,并对即将成立的成都签证申请中心表示期待。

副领事兼领事事务负责人Maybi Mota女士就签证申请流程、面临的挑战以及未来的发展方向提供了详细的见解。她强调了领事馆与BLS International之间的和谐关系,并强调BLS International是接收巴西签证申请的独家机构。她还讨论了进一步简化签证申请程序的未来计划,便于申请人进行签证申请。此外,Mota女士强调,任何形式的买卖预约都是非法的,并敦促大家遵守既定的指导方针。值得注意的是,计划引入代理模块,以确保申请处理的合法性,并与巴西领事馆制定的标准保持一致。此次活动为双方提供了丰富的交流机会,Mota女士对此表示满意。
